젊은 시절의 엘리자베스 2세 여왕과 영화배우들
An interesting collection of photographs, along with photos of the young Queen Elizabeth II,
who mingle with actress, actors, and musicians from the 1950s to the 1980s.
1950년대부터 1980년대까지 여배우, 배우, 음악가들과 어울리는
젊은 엘리자베스 2세 여왕의 사진과 함께 재미있는 사진 모음집이다.
1952 Elizabeth II and Kirk Douglas. Douglas
1955 Queen Elizabeth II and Ava Gardner
1956 Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Marilyn Monroe, Victure Mature
1957 Elizabeth II and Jane Mansfield
1957 Queen Elizabeth II, John Gregson, Peter Finch, Anita Eckberg, Joan Crawford.
1957 Queen Elizabeth II, William Holden and Sophia Lauren,
1958 Elizabeth II and Frank Sinatra
1958 Queen Elizabeth II, Ert Kitt, Pat Boone, Antonio and Bruce Forsyth.
1966 Elizabeth II and Catherine Denoff, peter cushing
1966 Elizabeth II and Raquel Welch
1966 Elizabeth II, Ursula Andres, Woody Allen, and Raquel Welch were born in
1966 Elizabeth II, Julie Christie, Warren Beatty
1966 Queen Elizabeth II, Maggie Smith and Sir Lawrence Olivier in
1967 Elizabeth II and Bob Hope
1967 Queen Elizabeth II, Sean Connery, and Dean Silento's wife in
1975 Elizabeth II and Barbra Streisand
1976 Queen Elizabeth II and the husband of Elizabeth Taylor and John Warner.
1977 Elizabeth II and Julie Andrews
1978 Queen Elizabeth II and Shirley Bash, 1978
1979 Queen Elizabeth II and Sybil Shepherd,
1980 Elizabeth II and Meryl Streep
1981 Elizabeth II and Cliff Richard
1982 Elizabeth II and Sally Field were born in