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50년 전의 세계, 1964

fabiano 10 1955  

 1964: The World 50 Years Ago 


The prize-winning coiffures in a contest in Munich, Germany on May 1, 1964.
They were designed for evening wear and hairdressers said anyone with a little time can copy them.


Japanese torchbearers of the Olympic flame relay team run through the rain on their way to the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo, Japan, in October of 1964.


NASA Astronauts Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong, John Young, and Deke Slayton, during desert survival training in Reno, Nevada, on August 13, 1964.


A bloody encounter - Police officers struggle with man dripping wet from blast of fire hose during rioting in Rochester, new York in July of 1964.


The Beatles arrive at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on February 7, 1964.
From left: John Lennon (waving), Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.
1964 was the year Beatlemania swept through the United States.


A view of the Aswan Dam during construction in Egypt on April 1964. T
he majority of the construction took place from 1960 to 1970.


Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, wearing the uniform of his favorite team Oriente, leads off from first base,
during a baseball game at Varadero Beach, Cuba, on July 5, 1964.


As the sun goes down behind Staten Island, its light silhouettes the unfinished Verrazano-Narrows steel suspension bridge over New York Harbor on January 6, 1964.


Bob Dylan plays a bass guitar in a restaurant on June 15, 1964.


Flying low over the jungle, an A-1 Skyraider drops 500-pound bombs on a Viet Cong position below as smoke rises
from a previous pass at the target, December 26, 1964.


Actor Sidney Poitier is photographed with his Oscar statuette at the 36th Annual Academy Awards in Santa Monica, California, on April 13, 1964. He won Best Actor for his role in "Lilies of the Field."


Anchorage small business owners were going full tilt clearing salvageable items and equipment from their earthquake-ravaged stores on shattered Fourth Avenue in Alaska, in the aftermath of the March 27th magnitude 9.2 Good Friday earthquake, on March 30, 1964.


Members of the ultra leftist Zengakuren students association in Japan drag and beat a helmeted policeman
during a protest demonstration at Sasebo naval base, against the arrival of U.S. nuclear-powered submarine Sea Dragon,
on November 12, 1964.


Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev laughs at his mistake in first identifying this ten pound Cornish cock as a hen during his visit to the British Agriculture Fair in Moscow, Russia, on May 28, 1964.


British actor Peter Sellers and his new bride, Swedish actress Britt Eklund, are greeted by photographers, newsmen and cheering well-wishers as they leave the registry office in Guildford, England, on February 19, 1964.


World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Muhammad Ali, right, is shown with Black Muslim Leader, Malcolm X, outside the Trans-Lux Newsreel Theater on Broadway at 49th Street, New York City, on March 1, 1964.


Rifle muzzles bristle on a rocky hillside in Cyprus on February 23, 1964, as Greek Cypriot trainee policemen undergo an arms drill in rough terrain outside Nicosia.
All the recruits have joined the force since the emergency spawned by communal strife in the Island.


United Nations troops carry Turkish Cypriot women and children in the back of their armored carrier for a trip
from their village of Kokkina to safety in Lefka, on August 9, 1964, due to heavy fighting in the area.


Cypriot youths March at the head of schoolgirls during an Anti-British demonstration in Nicosia, Cyprus, on May 29, 1964.


Rockets fired from Turkish Jet Aircraft found their mark on Cypriot ships during an engagement off
the coast of the Mediterranean Island in Cyprus, on August 9, 1964.


A small electronic package, produced by Fairchild Controls Corp. of Hicksville, New York, is installed in a dummy
by a technician at North American's Space Division in Downey, California, on October 30, 1964,
to test Apollo lunar spacecraft equipment.


Sonny Liston, right, lowers his head and works in close during the sixth round of heavyweight championship
fight against Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) in Miami Beach, Florida, on February 25, 1964.


The body of Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharal Nehru is carried by officers of the armed forces to a funeral pyre
on the banks of the Jumna River in New Delhi, India, on May 29, 1964, watched by thousands of mourners.


The annual Autorama in Detroit, Michigan, on January 10, 1964. Palema Dulmage, Queen of the 1964 Autorama,
stands by a space age car.


Top Chinese communist leader, Chairman of Communist Party (CCP) and President of the Republic, Mao Zedong examines
a home-made semi-automatic rifle during his visit to a military exhibition by the Beijing Units of the People's Liberation Army in June of 1964.


Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, California, on June 26, 1964.


Afghan boys, men, and women, some in bare feet, wearing long outer garments called an abaya or chador, shop
at a marketplace in Kabul, Afghanistan, in May of 1964.


Ernesto "Che" Guevara, 1964. A Marxist revolutionary, was instrumental in developing the Soviet-Cuban relationship
in the early 1960s, and by 1964 was acting as the head of the Cuban delegation to speak at the United Nations.


Donald Campbell's Bluebird streaks along the Lake Eyre speed track in Australia at 200 MPH on May 12, 1964
in the first trial run of 1964, attempting to raise the world land speed record.


Eager to shake his hand, Nigerians swarm round world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali as he sits atop his car during the drive to his hotel after arriving at the airport in Lagos, Nigeria on June 1, 1964.


Vietnamese government troops attempt to force a suspected Viet Cong member to inform on Viet Cong movements
in the Southern Mekong Delta of South Vietnam on July 14, 1964.


Bill Olsen of Brooklyn, a New York elevator inspector, on the job inspecting rides at Coney Island
in the Brooklyn borough of New York, 1964, before the start of the summer season.


The XB70A Valkyrie bomber takes off at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on its second test flight, October 6, 1964. Only two prototypes were built, each capable of reaching speeds of Mach 3 at an altitude of 70,000 feet.


Earthquake victims in Niigata, Japan, carry what few belongings they could salvage, walking through a flooded street
in this coastal city, which was devastated by a powerful magnitude 7.6 earthquake on June 16, 1964.


Capt. William A. Anders, U.S. astronaut, operates the controls of a machine simulating outer space flight as he trains
for the two-man extended orbital flight of a Gemini capsule.


View of St. Louis Gateway Arch, rising on the Mississippi riverfront, taken from a downtown building in St. Louis
on June 17, 1964.


Soldiers move bodies to a mass grave which will be set on fire to prevent disease after a savage revenge raid by Senga villagers on members of the Lumpa Church of Alice Lenshina in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), where more than 50 people were slaughtered on August 12, 1964. The conflict between UNIP (United National Independence Party) and the Lumpa Church reached a climax in July to October in 1964. The church rejected all earthly authority, established its own courts and refused to pay taxes or be registered with the state, clashing with the newly-founded Republic of Zambia.


Children in a Hong Kong refugee resettlement area watch as former Vice President Richard Nixon shows them
his badminton service. Nixon visited Hong Kong, April 4, 1964, during a tour of countries in the Far East.


American Chief Master Sergeant Tom Rhone, left, and Canadian Flight Sergeant Peter Reny, RCAF, of Ottawa, stand outside the North Portal, the entrance to the NORAD nerve center being built in Cheyenne Mountain
in the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado, June 4, 1964.


Vietnamese troops with fixed bayonets face demonstrators in front of building where the ruling military met in Saigon
on August 27, 1964.


Life in the Marina City Towers in Chicago, Illinois, on June 19, 1964.


North Korean leader Kim Il Sung returns salute at the citizens' rally that celebrated the 16th anniversary
of founding of North Korea in Sinuiju City, North Pyongyang, on September 9, 1964.


A burning tire, left, flies toward spectators after a gasoline tank explosion resulting from a crash on fourth turn
in the second lap at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indiana, on May 30, 1964.


U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy is surrounded by newsmen and well-wishers after accepting the Democratic nomination as their candidate for U.S. Senate. Behind him, at left, is his wife, Ethel. Kennedy was nominated during
the Democratic Party's state convention at the 71st Regiment Armory in New York City on September 1, 1964.


The exit of a tunnel used in a mass escape of 57 people from East Berlin, crossing under the border to the cellar
of a former bakery in Bernauer Street, West Berlin, in October of 1964.


Eleven years after the abortive East German revolt against communism, the barricaded borders of West Berlin, Germany were heavily guarded. In this image American soldiers on patrol along the barbed wire along the American sector attract the attention of a Red guard in Berlin, Germany, who focuses his field glasses on them on June 16, 1964.

Public viewing of the body of U.S. General Douglas MacArthur in the Rotunda in Washington, D.C., on April 10, 1964.
John Gideon Okello, named president of Zanzibar, on January 12, 1964 after the leader of the Zanzibar revolution overthrew Sultan Jamshid bin Abdullah and led to the proclamation of Zanzibar as a republic.
Artist Norman Rockwell, center, talks with astronauts John W. Young, left, and Virgil Grissom, right,
at Cape Kennedy in Florida, on September 30, 1964.

This outline of black and white gives strollers at the 1964 New York World's Fair a peaceful appearance

as they pass the water fountains and soft lights playing at the base of the Unisphere Fountain of Continents.


abendort 2014.12.01 02:09  
Kool pics!
brson 2014.12.01 07:14  
불과 겨우 50여년 전인데현재와 달라도 너무 다른 듯합니다신기할 정도로군요그런데 이렇게 빨리 변해 간다가 과연 다음 50년 후엔 과연 어떤 세상으로 변해 있을까요
fabiano 2014.12.01 10:35  
me, too.
fabiano 2014.12.01 10:38  
50년 전의 대한민국과 오늘날 대한민국은 정말, 격세지감을 느끼듯이 세계도 많이 변했습니다. 그러나 대한민국처럼 기적적인(?) 변화는 전 세계를 통하여 우리나라 밖에 없는 것으로 믿습니다.
로저킴 2014.12.04 15:24  
맞습니다. 아마도 문화의 힘이 아닌가 합니다. 예부터 우리 부모는 가난한 건 참아도 무식하다는 소린 듣지 말라고 무조건 책을 읽히고 가르치는 데 온 힘을 쏟으셨는데 그 힘이 이런 기적을 만든것 같습니다. 아무리 부자라도 무식하면 행사할 수 없는 나라가 우리나라고 세계기록유산도 중국 일본보다 월등히 많고 한것과 관련이 깊은 것같습니다. 블로그 감탄하며 잘 봤습니다.
fabiano 2014.12.04 21:29  
구슬이 서말이라도 꿰어야 보배라는 속담처럼 밤하늘의 별처럼 많은 전 세계의 웹서핑을 통한 귀중한 자료를 모으고 꿰어야 한다는 생각입니다. 덕담에 감사드리며 좀더 열심히 해 보겠습니다.
Neptune 2014.12.05 21:21  
시절이 그리 많이 달라졌나요ㆍ느낌과 감정은 그렇고 그런데요ㆍ ㆍ
fabiano 2014.12.08 13:19  
세월은 이미 저만큼 갔지만 여전히 반복되는 지구촌의 현실과 역사입니다.
어여쁜 나 2015.02.10 11:18  
1964년도의 서구선진국들은 진짜 날이갈수록 완전히 변해가는것을 느끼게 되더군요? 반대로 같은해 인도나 파키스탄 대한민국 북한 중국대륙등을 보면 말이 안나오네요?
fabiano 2015.02.11 11:51  
동양과 서양. 선진국과 후진국의 모습을 그대로 볼 수 있는 이미지입니다. 여전히, 그런 모습은 오늘날에도 지속되고 있습니다. 대한민국은 괄목할 만한 발전을 이루었습니다.

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