사진으로 보는 그리스 내전(內戰)
그리스 내전 (Greek Civil war)
그리스 내전( Greek Civil War))은 1946년에서 1949년 사이에 영국, 미국의 지원을 받은 그리스 정부軍과 그리스 공산당(KKE)의 군사 조직으로 불가리아, 유고슬라비아, 알바니아의 지원을 받은 그리스 민주軍(ΔΣΕ)이 싸운 내전이다.
1943년부터 좌파와 우파의 투쟁이 첨예해지고, 제2차 세계 대전 당시 독일과 이탈리아의 점령으로 권력 공백 상태가 발생하면서 내전으로 이어졌다.
그리스 내전은 냉전의 초기 분쟁으로 어떤 분석자들은 그리스 내전이 전후 서방의 해외 내정 간섭의 첫 사례로 보기도 하고, 혹자는 처칠과 스탈린의 소위 지분 협정 이론을 처음으로 진지하게 실험한 사례로 평가하기도 한다.
Steel-helmeted Elas troops use a corner building as a shelter as they fire at police headquarters during a civil uprising in Athens. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images). Circa 1944 Civil War. (Photo by Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Getty Images). 22nd May 1
A mule train carrying ammunition near Papades on Euboia during the Greek Civil War.
(Photo by Bert Hardy/Getty Images).1948
Officers plan the assault on Mount Kiapha at Mount Lyoku during the Greek Civil War, while a Greek Orthodox priest drinks coffee. Each brigade has a chaplain who travels with them. (Photo by Federico Patellani/Getty Images). 1947
One exhausted guerrilla fighter surrenders to the Greek army during the Greek Civil War.
(Photo by Bert Hardy/Getty Images). 1948
Greek regular soldiers search a peasant and his wife for arms, which are being smuggled to the Andartes rebels during the Greek Civil War. (Photo by Haywood Magee/Picture Post/Getty Images). October 1947
Greek soldiers climbing ropes during training by British officers in the Greek civil war. (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images). 1947
A class of recruits in the technical training wing of a Greek training centre are given advice from a British instructor during the civil war. (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images). 1947
Greek government commandos near Karpenisi, equipped with British berets and American fur-trimmed jackets. (Photo by Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Getty Images). 22nd May 1948
A sentry on guard on Mount Likebetos, overlooking the city of Athens. Military forces were employed to guard the city against possible attacks from communist paratrooper guerrillas. (Photo by Chris Ware/Keystone/Getty Images). 1947
Refugee children in a filthy cellar at Piraeus during the Greek Civil War. (Photo by Haywood Magee/Picture Post/Getty Images). 1st November 1947
Greek commander General Vadzis holds a conference with General Van Fleet (centre) of the US and Major-General Down (left) of Britain during the Greek Civil War. The interest of the western powers in the conflict lies mainly in preventing the communist forces of Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia from gaining a stronghold in Greece. (Photo by Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Getty Images). 22nd May 1948