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 10 products which cannot be stored in the refrigerator


There are a number of products which we habitually or Council

of parents continue to be kept in the refrigerator.


Meanwhile, place them in the pantry.
Why chocolate and tomatoes should not be in the cold, and
the Basilica and honey better find a place warm-now we will talk about this.
1. Bow. Moisture in the refrigerator not the best ally for freshness.
Because of her plant becomes soft and spoils quickly, becoming unfit for consumption.
In addition, excessive moisture contributes to the growth of harmful bacteria
and contributes to early zaplesneveniû.
It is best to store onions in a dry and cool place.
But do not place it next to the potatoes. When joint storage shelf life of both can be shortened.
2. coffee should never be stored in the refrigerator, if your goal is
certainly not to absorb through them, an unpleasant smell from other produce.
Wheat from cold and moisture instantly lose their aroma,
as well as the height of all extraneous smells.
Best coffee to keep in a dark, cool and dry place, or if you need to save to the best times really
large number of grains, which disappear in the air, shove them in the freezer.
Chance of survival there is many times more.
3. The first and most important rule of storing olive oil is the observance of temperature regime. Optimal-+12 -16 degrees. Refrigerated oil may begin to flake, it may begin to appear, and also it is possible to change the consistency of the product with liquid more dense.
4. as cut flowers, Basil is best stored in a container with water, dip it stems in nutritional liquid.
In the fridge the same leaves wither quickly lose flavor and will eventually soak up smells,
that would clearly not in favor of the freshness of the product.
5. When the correct method of storage of shelf life of honey is almost endless.
Keep it in a tightly covered jar in a dark place cover with room temperature.
The cold and wet of the fridge, on the contrary, will contribute to delamination
of the product and its taste.
6. At low temperatures it is covered with unpleasant white bloom.
This happens because the cold clean moisture and on the surface of the chocolate
begin to exude sucrose crystals.
As a result, loses its taste and dainty appearance.
7. In the refrigerator it will start to germinate with unprecedented speed.
Moisture will also help to ensure that the garlic will quickly become soft and inedible. You need?
The main recommendation is to keep garlic in a dry place and away from moisture.
By the way, we can together with onions.
8. According to the popular belief in the refrigerator avocado ripen more quickly and become tastier.
In fact, it's one of the most spectacular delusions. Immature avocado, of course,
will be softer in the refrigerator, but it will not be ripe, and moisture that is absorbed
in the fruit through the rind. So it's better to leave dozrevat′ avocado outdoors.
And that's already a mature fruit that you're not going to have right now,
it is quite possible to put in one of the lower boxes.
9. Decide to put potatoes in the fridge? Be ready that soon it will be sweet and crumbly.
Remember that cold starch turns into sugar quickly.
The perfect way to store potatoes is put it in a paper bag and place there
where you will cool but not freezing.
10. Refrigerate tomatoes lose their taste, since cold air stop the ripening process.
Cool and moist air also has an adverse effect on the texture of the flesh of the tomatoes.

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