naver-site-verification: naverf83ad7df1bcc827c523456dbbc661233.html 한국전쟁과 김덕수 대령
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한국전쟁과 김덕수 대령

파비아노 0 1876  

한국전쟁과 김덕수 대령

아래 포스팅은 Canada 육군의 한국전쟁의 Veteran에 관한 <The Memory Project>에 게재된
  美정부에서 한국軍人 김덕수 대령의 은성무공훈장 수여와 한국정부에서 충무무공훈장 수여에 관한 것으로
  그는 1965년 한국을 방문한 Lyndon B. Johnson 대통령과 박정희 대통령의 통역관으로 활약하였다.

아래 주소에 김덕수 대령의 유창한 영어 육성 녹음이 있다.


​(1) Duk Soo Kim receiving the Bronze Star Medal from US Brigadier General Hubert O. Johnson Jr., 1954.


​(2) Duk Soo Kim's Eun-sung chung-mu Medal from the South Korean government.
Mr. Kim was awarded the medal for his actions during an intense three day battle
against Chinese soldiers who attempted to overrun their position.
Indeed, the fighting was so intense that Mr. Kim called down artillery strikes on his own position.


(3) Colonel Duk Soo Kim and US President Lyndon Johnson.
Duk Soo Kim is showing Johnson the facilities the Korean Infantry School during his 1965 visit to South Korea .


​(4) From left to right: Colonel Duk Soo Kim, US President Lyndon Johnson, South Korean President Park Chung-hee.
Duk Soo Kim is showing Johnson the facilities the Korean Infantry School during his 1965 visit to South Korea.


인기 6.25 전쟁(동영상)

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