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Pictures of the war in Korea, 1950-1953. <russia edition>

fabiano 2 2071  

Pictures of the war in Korea, 1950-1953. <Russia  edition>


The war in Korea in the early 1950s became the first great war after the second world war.
Where the allies against Nazi Germany (the United States and the USSR) fought against
each other by the forces of North and South Korea supporting these countries all neohìdnim,
including troops. The pictures show the face of the war.

The war was fought in Korea in 1950-1953 pp. Began June 25, 1950
between  North and South Korea. 

Each side accused the other of attacking.
But regardless of who first began warfare, it soon became clear

that North Korea's army is superior to his opponent.

A full-blown offensive canister led to the fall of Seoul is already on the fifth day of the war.
Meanwhile at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, North Korea was proclaim.



1 147849-sniper-786.jpg
1. Australian sniper


2 454899461_orig.jpg
2. US Helicopter


3 British-retake-Hong-Kong_1945.jpg
3. British-retake-Hong-Kong_1945


4 Chinese-troops-in-Nanking_1949.jpg
4. Chinese-troops-in-Nanking_1949


5 cold_war10_YoungSKim_nktank.jpg
5. north korea tank


6 Communists-take-Peking.jpg
6. Communists-take-Peking


7 dejected-Nationalist-soldiers_1949.jpg
7. dejected-Nationalist-soldiers_1949


8 GIsKorean-refugees_1950.jpg
8. GIs Korean-refugees_1950


9 Ho-Chi-Minh-meets-with-staff.jpg
9. Ho-Chi-Minh-meets-with-staff


10 korea38th-parallel.jpg
10. korea 38th-parallel


11 Koreans-fleeing-war.jpg
11. Koreans-fleeing-war


12 koreanwar.jpg
12. korean war


13 Maos-supporters.jpg
13. Maos-supporters



14 NA_1951_capturing-Chinese.jpg
14. NA_1951_capturing-Chinese


15 USA_engineers-constructing-a-bridge_Korea.jpg
15 USA_engineers-constructing-a-bridge_Korea


16 USA_Koreans-unloading-empty-shell-casings.jpg
16. USA_Koreans-unloading-empty-shell-casings


17 USA_Placing-crosses-on-graves_Korea.jpg
17. USA_Placing-crosses-on-graves_Korea


18 USA_Ridgeway-meets-with-staff_Korea.jpg
18. USA_Ridgeway-meets-with-staff_Korea


19 USA_US-army-camp-in-Korea.jpg
19. USA_US-army-camp-in-Korea


20 USA_US-paras-near-Munsan_Korea.jpg
20. USA_US-paras-near-Munsan_Korea


21 USA_US-tanksinfantry-moving-north-of-Kaesong_Korea.jpg
21. USA_US-tanksinfantry-moving-north-of-Kaesong_Korea


22 USA_Yank-Howitzer-crew-in-action.jpg
22. USA_Yank-Howitzer-crew-in-action


23 USA_YanksKoreans-examining-captured-equipment.jpg
23. USA_YanksKoreans-examining-captured-equipment


24 USA_Yanks-examine-a-captured-North-Korean-tank.jpg
24. USA_Yanks-examine-a-captured-North-Korean-tank


25 USA_Yanks-fighting-along-the-Kaktong-River_Korea.jpg
25. USA_Yanks-fighting-along-the-Kaktong-River_Korea
26 USA_Yanks-fighting-in-a-Pyongyang-railyard.jpg
26. USA_Yanks-fighting-in-a-Pyongyang-railyard


27 USA_Yanks-firing-155mm-howitzer_Korea.jpg
27. USA_Yanks-firing-155mm-howitzer_Korea


28 USA_Yanks-firing-anti-aircraft-guns_Korea.jpg
28. USA_Yanks-firing-anti-aircraft-guns_Korea


29 USA_Yanks-firing-mortar-rounds_Korea.jpg
29. USA_Yanks-firing-mortar-rounds_Korea


30 USA_Yanks-go-ashore_Korea.jpg
30. USA_Yanks-go-ashore_Korea


31 USA_Yanks-in-position-above-railway_Korea.jpg
31. USA_Yanks-in-position-above-railway_Korea


32 USA_Yanks-manning-90mm-guns_Korea.jpg
32. USA_Yanks-manning-90mm-guns_Korea


33 USA_Yanks-moving-up_Korea.jpg
33. USA_Yanks-moving-up_Korea


34 USA_Yanks-pinned-down-by-rifle-fire_Korea.jpg
34. USA_Yanks-pinned-down-by-rifle-fire_Korea


35 USA_Yank-watching-for-Chinese_Korea.jpg
35. USA_Yank-watching-for-Chinese_Korea


36 US-retreat-at-Chosin-Reservoir.jpg
36. US-retreat-at-Chosin-Reservoir(장진湖)


37 WIK_1950_Soldiers-Climbing-Sea-Wall_Inchon.jpg
37. WIK_1950_Soldiers-Climbing-Sea-Wall_Inchon


38 WIK_Korean-War_Recovery-of-Seoul.jpg
38. WIK_Korean-War_Recovery-of-Seoul


39 WIK_Korean-War_train-attack.jpg

39. WIK_Korean-War_train-attack


40 WIK_Sherman-Tank-in-action_Korea_1952.jpg
40. WIK_Sherman-Tank-in-action_Korea_1952


머티스 2017.11.28 02:15  
20번 사진은 문산과 월롱사이의 탄현 논밭지대에 낙하하는 미군들입니다.
fabiano 2017.11.28 11:02  
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