제 2차 세계大戰 - Photo(1)
History & Photo
2007.03.21 20:37
Franklin D. Roosevelt 대통령이 진주만을 불법 기습한 일본에 대하여 선전포고문에 사인을 하고 있다. December 8, 1941.
Dwight D. Eisenhower 장군이 五星으로 유럽연합軍 최고사령관에 취임하였다. 1945. 2.1.
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich, Germany, ca. June 1940.
General MacArthur surveys the beachhead on Leyte Island.
"Conference of the Big Three at Yalta makes final plans for the defeat of Germany. Prime Minister
Winston S. Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Premier Josef Stalin." February 1945.
American generals:
seated left to right are William H. Simpson, George S. Patton, Jr., Carl Spaatz, Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Omar Bradley, Courtney H. Hodges, and Leonard T. Gerow; standing are Ralph F. Stearley,
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Walter Bedell Smith, Otto P. Weyland, and Richard E. Nugent. Ca. 1945.
Remember Dec. 7th!
"We French workers warn you . . . defeat means slavery, starvation, death." Color poster by Ben Shahn, 1942.
"I Want You for the U.S. Army. Enlist Now." Color poster by James Montgomery Flagg.
해군 입대를 권유하는 포스터. Color poster by McClelland Barclay, 1942.
戰時債權 구매 홍보용 포스터.
Movie star Rita Hayworth sacrificed her bumpers for the duration. Besides setting an example by
turning in unessential metal car parts, Miss Hayworth has been active in selling war bonds." 1942.
戰時의 미국은 전선에서 고군분투하는 군인들을 위하여 각종 물자 절약 캠페인도 벌였다.
만화는 물자절약의 상징성을 나타낸 것으로 팬티는 도색한 것임을 표현하고 있다.
戰時에 설탕을 배급 받고있다.
"An eager school boy gets his first experience in using War Ration Book Two. With many parents engaged in
war work, children are being taught the facts of point rationing for helping out in family marketing."
Alfred Palmer, February 1943.