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1978년 대한항공 902편 격추사건

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1978년 대한항공 902편 격추사건.
이라는 제호로 31년 전인 1978년 4월 20일 대한항공 902편 격추사건의 개요가 러시아 인터넷판에
사고 당시 사진과 함께 게재되어 발췌합니다.
사건의 내용은 프랑스 파리 오를리 공항에서 이륙해 미국 알래스카 앵커리지 공항을 경유해 서울로 올 예정인 대한항공 902편이
내부 항법장비 이상으로 소련영공을 침범해 소련 전투기가 출격한 다음 공격을 해 소련령 이만드라 호수에 불시착한 사건이다.
당시 사고기에 탑승했던 탑승객 109명(승객 97, 승무원 12) 중 2명이 사망하였다.
Korean Boeing was shot down in Karelia, Russia in 1978, with a lot of civil passengers on-board.
The pilots of the plane had mysteriously altered the route so that came deep inside Russian territory.
Two and a half hours they were escorted by Russian jet fighters not responding to any radio contact or visual contact attempts.
At last the Soviet military commanders ordered to shoot the plane down with as much accuracy as they could do.
The jet plane of Russian army hit the Boeing with a missile cutting off the piece of its wing, so the Korean plane had to land after this.
Two passengers were killed others got wounds as a result of an extremely fast landing to the frozen Russian lake in Karelia, Russia near Kem’ town.
The first Russian military police group arrived in two hours to the landing site.
They tell that when they entered the plane the strong smell of “blood, alcohol and human fecal masses” hit into their noses.
Afterwards the passengers spent three days in the Kem’ town, Karelia, Russia and were send to Helsinki, Finland on the plane on the fourth day.
The crew was taken to Moscow and was questioned there, but later they returned to Korea.
The plane itself was disassembled to smallest parts and sent to Russian airplane producing factories and research centers, meanwhile the soldiers guarding the site had the first chance in their life to taste Coca-Cola or canned beer and even to read some Playboy.
It was something they never met before in the country beneath the iron curtain.









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