naver-site-verification: naverf83ad7df1bcc827c523456dbbc661233.html 한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album (2)
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한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album (2)

fabiano 0 1944  


한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album (2)


아래 포스팅은 美 해병대원으로서 한국전쟁에 참전한 Harold Sydnam씨의 포토앨범이다.
  그는 1950. 10. 美 캘리포니아 펜들턴 캠프(Camp Pendleton)에서 한국전쟁에 참전하기 위한 훈련을 받고 1950. 12. 마산에 도착하여 포항, 횡성지구에서 전투를 하였으며 38선 이북까지 진격하였다. 
 Harold Sydnam의 해병대는 혹한의 전투속에서 피어나는 전우애와 틈틈이, 피난민들의 모습도 찍었다.

또한, 그의 해병부대는 장진호전투에 버금가는 혹한에서 치열한 전투를 치르기도 하였다. 



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(1) June 1, 1951. Hill 780 Lt Nolan & Cpl Joe Aherns.
3 in my squad not wounded. 1st & 3rd platoons hit hard.
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(2) Prisoner interrogation 6/51  Left Harold Jack & unknown
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(3) Pfc R.E. Icenogle & Burpgun.
On 6/13 Icenogle wounded 13 holes & evac to Japan. Recovered.
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(4) Baker Co crossing a river in a fairly safe area.
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(6) Smoke is drifting from the left peak and the start of napalm ignition is
barely visible, just below the ridge line right of center.
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(7) That smoke has drifted further right and obliquely right, below it, a full blast of
napalm is commencing.
I took these two photos from B-1-5's position, one ridge over from 1-A-5.
I was not fast enough to catch the Corsairs in the photos.
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(8) About 16 June 1951, "Worm Valley", N. Korea
L-R Back Row:
S/Sgt Piner, William 2nd PltSgt,1 Lt Kerrigan, William E. C.O.,Sgt Sydnam,
Harold J. 2nd Plt SqLdr, 1 Lt Wright, Stuart H. M.G. Plt Ldr,
S/Sgt Draughan, Jack W. M.G. PltSgt, T/Sgt Reimann,
Calvin E. Co. Gunny, 1 Lt Galley, David L. 1st PltLdr
Front L-R:
T/Sgt Long, Donald R. Co. 1stSgt, 1Lt Nolan, Harvey W. 2nd PltLdr
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(9) Wounded evac by helicopter, About June, 1951.
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(10) SGT Sydnam in a rest camp during "Peace Talks" June, 1951
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(11) Harrison was in our 1st Platoon killed near here.
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(12) 1st Gunner Cpl Joe Ahrens takes a break during "Peace Talks", July 1951.
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(13) In a deluge we go up to relieve the French Foreign Legion on line.
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(14) Then returning to the "rear" for our turn at rest.
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(15) Baker Co's Rocket Squad: George R. Fink, Donald R. Fay, Joseph R. Minney,
Cpl Joe Ahrens & Sgt H.J. Sydnam.
Front Row: Wesley H. Fabre, Deward L. Wolfe, Derrell L. Farmer & James R. Terrell. August, 1951.
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(16) Top L-R: Rousch, Hientsman, "Scotty", Farmer, Fink
Bottom L-R: Terrill, Keefe, Fay, Sydnam
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(18) From Dale Bednarz. L-R: Bednarz, Sydnam & kneeling Roush (?)
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(19) From Joe Ahrens: Top Row: Ahrens, Sydnam, Minney, Farmer & Fink
Bottom Row: Fabre, Fay & Terrell. 11 August 1951, Inje, Korea
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(23) The "Punch Bowl" where bitter fighting had gone on earlier.
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(24) Representing the weapons of Baker Co. .30 cal light MG, 3.5" Rocket Launcher,
 60mm Mortar, .30 cal M1 Carbine & Rifle,
Browning Automatic Rifle & .45 cal pistol.
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(25) East end of "Heartbreak Ridge" Sept 1951.
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(26) My home there for 3 weeks - 1951
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(27) Sgt Feller oversees arriving supply train of "Chiggie-Bears" & a work party. Sept 1951
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(28) Sgts Feller, DiGiovanni & Sydnam shaved, showered & new clothes to start the new winter, Nov. 08 1954
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(29) Thanksgiving 1951. Hot chow coptered in to our reverse slope while on line.
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(30) Shell-hole dinner. Cpl James Case, S/Sgt Willy Piner & M/Sgt Ishmael Powers, Thanksgiving day, 1951
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(31) USO Show visits
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(32) USO Show visits
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(33) USO Show visits
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(35) Sam D. Giovanni & Earnest Garner
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(37) A warm-up tent dug in on our reverse slope. Nov 1951
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(38) The largest relief draft of the war. We headed for the coast & home. 27 Nov 1951
I froze my feet on this trip!
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(39) Sgt "Terrible" Thompson & Forrest Wood. 4 of us went over there together
and 3 came back.
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(40) Wood & Thompson in our shipboard quarters. Last ones on board, we got the crew's head.
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(45) From Japan to USA on the Buckner (?) (Maybe USS Gen Pope), Dec. 1951
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(46) Eastbound through the Golden Gate, 21 Dec 1951
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(47)"Terrible" & Mrs. Thompson & Nancy Elliott at his father's place, Bucks Co. PA,
Christmas 1951. It is all over for us.
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