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제3제국 지도자들의 종말(Both ended the lives of leaders of the Third R

fabiano 2 4741  

 Both ended the lives of leaders of the Third Reich


Unfortunately, the history and the events of the past years does not overwrite or modify.
Suggest you read further how and where has ended the lives of leaders of the Third Reich,

accused of killing thousands of people.


John Woods was a good executioner.

When the victim hanged in the air, he grabbed her by the legs and povisal with it,

reducing the suffering of bobbing in the loop.
On the night of October 16, 1946 year Woods stepped back from its principles.


John Woods


The American pros had to hang the bonzes of the Third Reich: Goering, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kal′tenbrunnera, Yodelling, Zaukela, Streicher, Zejs-Inquart as, Frank, Frick and Rosenberg.
In this group the prison photo they nearly at full strength.


The Nuremberg prison, which contained the Nazis, was in the American zone, so that the executioner was provided
by the Government of the United States.
This picture shows an American Sergeant John Woods demonstrates the "know-how"-his legendary noose with 13 nodes.


The first was to ascend the scaffold Goering, Ribbentrop followed him, but two hours before the execution, rejhsmar?al committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide capsule, which (according to one of the possible versions) it at the last meeting in prison referred the wife in a farewell kiss.


As Goering found out about the upcoming execution is unknown, the date was kept strictly secret from convicts and the press. Before the death of convicted even fed by one of the two with a choice of dishes: sausage with salad or pancakes with fruit.
 Georing raskusil ampoules at during dinner.


Executed after midnight in the gym of the Nuremberg prison.
Woods built a gallows just for a day: just before the soldiers had played in the basketball. The idea seemed to him a good gallows, three replacement ropes, bags for corpses and, most importantly, the hatches in a podium under the feet of those responsible, in that immediately had to fall through when hanging.
 The Feast was not more than three hours, including last call and conversation with the priest. The Woods later proudly recalled of that day: "ten people for 103 minutes. This fast. "
 But the minus (or plus) was that Woods hastily badly miscalculated the size of manhole covers, making them very small. Falling into the gallows, beheaded touch the edges of the hatch and was dying, well, not right away ...
 Ribbentrop croaked in the loop 10 minutes, YODEL-18, Keitel-24.


After the execution of all the Allied Powers took the bodies and had to sign the death certificates, and journalists took pictures of the body in clothes and without. Then the executed were pushed into spruce coffins, sealed and under heavy guard, was taken to a crematorium East Munich cemetery.
Interior view of a single camera, where the major German war criminals.

Interior view of a single camera, where the major German war criminals.


Such as Goering


Lunch accused the Nuremberg trials.


Goering over lunch in the Chamber.


Goering lunch during a break in the Nuremberg trials for defendants in a total mess.


Opposite him-Rudolf Hess.


Georing, thin during the process to 20 kg.


Georing during a meeting with his lawyer.


Georing and Hesse.


Georing during the trial.


Was in a wheelchair.


The Third Reich Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was hanged first.


Colonel-General Alfred Jodl




Head of the Reich Security SS GU Ernst Kaltenbrunner.


 Chief of the Supreme command of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Keitel.


 Rejhsprotektor Bohemia and Moravia Wilhelm Frick.


Gauleiter Of Franconia Julius ?trejher.


The head of the foreign policy Office of the NSDAP Alfred Rosenberg.


Rejhskomissar Arthur Zejss-The Netherlands Proclaimed.


The Gauleiter Of Thuringia, Frederick Zaukel.


The Governor General of Poland, NAZI lawyer Hans Frank.


The Corpse Of Heinrich Himmler. 
Reichsführer-SS had committed suicide during detention, May 23, 1945 in Lüneburg by potassium cyanide.


The corpse of the German Reichskanzler Joseph Goebbels. He committed suicide with his wife Magda,
poisoning before that six of their children.


The President of the German labour front, Robert Ley a Nazi during the arrest.


October 24, 1945, Ley hanged himself on a makeshift noose made of pieces of towels in a Chamber of Nierenberg prison.


A doctor who studies brain Robert Lei after the autopsy.



The bodies of the leader of the national fascist party of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci, zaslonivšej Il Duce himself during the shooting April 28, 1945, the Mezzegra on the outskirts of the village..


The dead bodies of Mussolini and Petacci, along with six bodies of other Nazi leaders were moved to Milan and hung by the feet to overlappings gas station on Piazzale Loreto.


Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess for shipment. Only one of the three accused sentenced to life imprisonment, which he served the entire term-41 year. In August 1987, the 93-year-old Hess was found hanged in the electric wire in the yard Arbor Berlin Spandau Prison.



P.S. Nuremberg Hangman John Woods (John c. Woods) died July 21, 1950 Goda.

According to legend, by electric shock when testing the electric chair of his own design.


로저킴 2014.12.04 15:36  
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fabiano 2014.12.04 21:24  
아무리 날고 기는 권력자들도 사형집행인 John Woods의 손에 형장의 이슬로 사라져 간 모습을 보니...허망한 인생사를 봅니다.
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