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한국전쟁을 추억하며(Remembering the Korean War) photos by James A. Se

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 한국전쟁을 추억하며 (Remembering the Korean War) photos by James A. Seitz)



아래 포스팅은 한국전쟁(1953-54)에 참전한 James A. Seitz씨의 앨범사진으로 그의 아들인

Patrick Seitz이 2010. 4. 그의 블로그에 의 제목으로 올린 것이다.



The Korean War is often called the Forgotten War.
 Taking place between World War II and the Vietnam War, the Korean War ended with a whimper in July 1953
when North Korea and South Korea signed a truce that officially divided the peninsula.
That line of demarcation, known as the Demilitarized Zone or DMZ, still separates the two countries to this day.
 The Korean War lasted from June 25, 1950, until July 27, 1953, according to Wikipedia.
In the United States, the war was officially described as a “police action” because there was never a declaration of war by Congress. 

 Time magazine chose the American Fighting-Man as its Person of the Year in 1950.
 My father, James A. Seitz, served for more than a year in the U.S. Army in the Korean War.
 After graduating from the University of Wisconsin, Madison,
he worked two years at his father’s pharmacy in Menomonie, Wis., until he was drafted.
 He was engaged to my mother, Alice L. Kelly, when he was sent to Korea in February 1953.


아래 주소에 자세한 설명이 있다.






1 Time magazine’s Man of the Year for 1950 the American G.I.;.jpg
(1) 타임(TIME)지는 1950년, 그해의 인물 표지를 한국전쟁에 참전한 美軍의 모습을 선정하였다. 



2 James A. Seitz outside a U.S. Army tent in Korea, 1953.jpg
(2) 한국전쟁(1953-54)에 참전한 James A. Seitz.


3 U.S. Army camp in Korea, 1953 (Photo by James A. Seitz.jpg
(3)  U.S. Army camp in Korea, 1953


4 Helicopter pad at U.S. base in Korea, 1953 (Photo by James A. Seitz).jpg
(4) Helicopter pad at U.S. base in Korea, 1953


5 Tanks near the frontline.jpg
(5) Tanks near the frontline


6 Convoy of U.S. Army vehicles 1954.jpg
(6) Convoy of U.S. Army vehicles 1954


7 Barren hills in the warzone of the Korean War.jpg
(7)  Barren hills in the warzone of the Korean War


8 Sign warning about the Demilitarized Zone ahead.jpg
(8)  Sign warning about the DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) ahead

9 South Korean soldiers man a DMZ checkpoint.jpg
9 South Korean soldiers man a DMZ checkpoint


10 Marilyn Monroe at the Bulldozer Bowl, Korea, February 1954.jpg

(10)  Marilyn Monroe at the Bulldozer Bowl, Korea, February 1954

11 Monroe mingles with the troops, Korea, February 1954.jpg

(11)  Monroe mingles with the troops, Korea, February 1954


12 Monroe on stage, Korea, February 1954 (Photographer unknown. From the website of Edward Piercy.jpg

 (12)  Monroe on stage, Korea, February 1954 (Photographer unknown. From the website of Edward Piercy)


13 Shipment of Schlitz beer, Korea, 1954.jpg

(13) 산더미 같은 쉴리츠 맥주, 1954


14 Korean home with beer can roof, 1953.jpg

(14) 캔맥주 깡통으로 지붕을 이은 당시, 피난민들의 판잣집. 1953


15 James A. Seitz outside officer’s mess hall in South Korea, 1953.jpg

(15) James A. Seitz outside officer’s mess hall in South Korea, 1953


16 Dad and Army sign.jpg
(16)  James A. Seitz


17 Korean village 1953.jpg

(17)  Korean village 1953


18 Korean main street 1953.jpg

(18)  Korean main street 1953


19 Welcome Home.jpg

ㅇ(19) James A. Seitz씨는 약 1년 여의 한국전쟁에 참전하고 귀국하였다.


20 U_S_ soldiers return home.jpg

(20) U_S_ soldiers return home


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