naver-site-verification: naverf83ad7df1bcc827c523456dbbc661233.html 이승만 대통령과 트루먼 美대통령
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이승만 대통령과 트루먼 美대통령

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Syngman Rhee with Harry Truman ( 이승만 대통령과 트루먼 美 대통령.)


Symgman Rhee was Korea's first president. During his tour in the United States in 1954, Rhee visited
Harry Truman's house in Independence, Missouri in 1954 to thank Truman for his role in setting up
the Korean government in 1948 and his decision to send American troops to Korea shortly after the invasion
by the Soviet-backed North Korean army in 1950.

Harry Truman was of course the president of the United States from 1945 to 1953.
He was not afraid of making touch descisions.
Among his descision were to drop nuclear bombs on two cities in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagaaski) in 1945,
to send troops to Korea in 1950, and to fire Douglas MacArthur in 1951.

He was a straight-talking president, and once called himself "damn fool" in the White House."
During the presidential campaign of 1964, Truman, still on the side of the Democratic Party, said that
Barry Goldwater, the Republican presidential candidate, was a damn fool.
Goldwater replied "the Democrat had a damn fool in the White House, but he was not too bad."

The photo of Syngman Rhee with Truman is from the New York Times (July 20, 1965, the day after he died in Hawaii).

1954년 이승만 초대 대통령으로서 미국 대통령 트루만과 만나 해방 후, 정부수립에 큰 역할과
한국전쟁에 신속히 파병하여 준데에 대하여 감사를 표시하였다.
트루만 대통령은 1945년 부터 1953년까지 미국 대통령으로서 재임하면서 히로시마, 나가사키에
원폭투하를 결정하였으며 한국전쟁에 참전하는 결정을 보였다.

사진 : New York Times



이승만 대통령이 1945년 해방되기 까지 워싱턴에서 거주하였던 집.

미국대통령 관저인 White House에서 약 5km 떨아진 곳에 위치해 있으며 이승만은 한국의 독립을

위하여 정치적인 교섭과 활동을 이곳 워싱턴에서 벌였다.

사진은 1992년에 촬영한 것으로 집은 잘 보존되어있다.


In 1945, Korea was liberated from Japanese rule after Japan was defeated in the Pacific War.


1948년 5월 10일 남한에서 총선이 거행되었고 1948년 8월 15일 정부수립을 하였다.

이승만이 초대 대통령이 되었다.

According to the United Nations resolution of 1947, Korea's first general election was held in May 10 (1948)
in the South, and the Korean government was inaugurated on August 15 (1948).
Syngman Rhee became the first president of the Repulic of Korea.


Admiral Sohn Won-Il (far left) at the signing ceremony of the mutual defense treaty in 1953.
With him are Prime Minister Paek Doo-Jin and President Synman Rhee.
The treaty was signed by Foreign Minister Pyun Yung-Tae and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
of the United States.


John Foster Dulles was sent to Korea two weeks before the War started.
He visited the 38th parallel (dividing the South and the North) to see what was going on.
South Korea's defense ministry released this photo to warn Joseph Stalin and Kim Il-Sung that the United States
was committed to defend the South.
However, North Korea used this photo to assert that Dulles ordered the South Korean army to attack the North.

Because of this photo, there are still many people who think the Korean War was started by the South supported
by the United States.
Courtesy of the North Korean propaganda literature.


수감생활 당시의 이승만. 28세.

One of the leaders of the reform movements was a young man named Syngman Rhee.
Rhee was imprisoned in 1896 and stayed in prison until 1903.
This is a photo of Rhee while in prison. He was 28 years old then.
He looks very confident, and was determined to become the president of his country.
He indeed became the president in 1948 .
This photo is from a Korean daily newspaper called Hankook Ilbo.

While in prison, Rhee studied the Bible thoroughly and wanted become like Jesus.
As Jesus rose from the death, he was thinking of getting out of the prison and leading the nation toward
a ideal country where everybody is happy.
He was in contact with the Christian missionaries from the United States.
One year after he was released from the prison, he went to the United States for study.
He received his PhD degree from Princeton University in 1910. His advisor was Woodrow Wilson.  


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