[퍼온글] 정답은 이 소설에 있다!
위 사설의 질문에 대한 정답은 바로 단편소설 "그들의 웃음소리" 마지막 부 분에 나와있다. 1년전 조선닷컴에 게재되어 전국적으로 읽힌 이 소설을 아 직 읽지 못한 분을 위해 그 작품의 마지막 부분만 잘라 여기 소개합니다. (이 소설 전문을 보시려면 blog.chosun.com/wyjoh에 들어가 왼쪽 목차에
건배를 하고 나서 대남담당비서가, 영문판 After the toast, the party secretary said cautiously, "Well, it depends on how much they are willing to pay us for that. They know they need me badly. They know my going to South Korea, be it Seoul or Jejudo, will dupe South Koreans, especially the young ones, into believing that reunification of Korea is near. They know that such false expectations will mobilize younger voters to the polls and, as a result, their candidate can win the next presidential election. In other words, my trip to South Korea is absolutely needed for their victory in 2007. So they must pay more than last time." "May I ask how much you're going to ask this time, sir?" the party secretary dared ask. "Well, I decisively helped Kim Dae Jung receive the Nobel Peace Prize for just $500 million, but this time it won't be that cheap. I think I will tell them to fork over $2 billion. If they whine it's too steep, I may knock off $500 million. $1.5 billion for five more years in power, that's not too bad for them, is it? Hahaha!" "No, sir! That's a brilliant plan, my Dear Leader!" the party secretary sucked up to Kim again. "The South Korean guys are on your palm, sir, like the storied monkey playing on Buddha's palm in an old Chinese fairy tale, sir! Besides, the twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings of South Korea look up to you, my Dear Leader, for reunification of Korea. So we no longer need tanks, missiles nor underground tunnels to liberate the southern half of our fatherland. Liberation of South Korea will be a piece of cake if we wisely take advantage of their election system, sir!" "You're telling me, Comrade!" Kim agreed. "South Korea's mass media, especially the broadcast media and film industry, are doing exactly what we want them to do---alienating South Koreans from the damn Yankees---without any subtle prodding on our part. And my favorite is the powerful teachers’ union. They even teach elementary school kids to hate America! So it's a breeze from now on! As the old saying goes, we will be able to blow our nose without using our own hand! Hahahaha!" Kim laughed loudly. So did his henchmen. Their laughter continued in Building #3. <The End>