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Dark lenz : Chiness comport women during WWII

fabiano 10 2162  

Dark lenz : Chiness comport women during WWII


아래 포스팅은 1937년 일본軍이 중국을 침략하여 군위안부라는 명목으로
약 20만명으로 추산되는 중국여인들을 강제로 연행하여 성노예로 삼은
역사적인 이미지이다. 여전히, 역사를 왜곡하고 부인하는 일본은 피해를 입은

동남아 각국에 대하여 진정한 사죄와 함께 용서를 빌어야 할 것이다.


(1) File photo shows women who were forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese troops being transported to a Japanese military camp. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
(2) File photo shows the Japanese soldiers visiting a military brothel in which women were forced to serve as sex slaves during World War II in China. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
(3) File photo shows Japanese soldiers trying to rape a 79-year-old Chinese woman during the Nanjing Massacre in China. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
(4) File photo shows women who were forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese troops being transported to a Japanese military camp. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
(5) File photo captured from a Japanese soldier shows a crying woman who had been raped by Japanese army during the Nanjing Massacre in China. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
(6) File photo shows the Japanese soldiers visiting a military brothel in which women were forced to serve as sex slaves during World War II in China. Estimated 200,000 Chinese women were forced to serve as sex slaves, or comfort women (the euphemism used by Japanese aggressors during the WWII), for Japanese forces during World War II and most of them were tortured to death. Among the comfort women, most war survivors have been living in anonymity and have felt reluctant to refer to their miserable experiences. Some of them have died in solitude. (Xinhua)
어여쁜 나 2016.08.26 10:39  
애국국민운동대연합이라는 보수단체인가? 그 단체야 말로 진정으로 참다운 보수단체라고 불리우는 단체인데 참고로 어버이연합이랑 엄마부대는 보수단체라고 운운할자격이 없는 단체라고 봐야됩니다~!!!! 왜냐하면 어버이연합과 엄마부대는 친일세력의 돈을 받고 운영하는 보수단체고요~!!!! 애국국민운동대연합은 정부의 도움없이 순수하게 사회활동을 하는 보수단체로 이분들은 하루에 24시간 365일동안 비가오나 눈이오나 위안부할머니를 대못박게한 단체들에 대해 강하게 일침하면서 시위하는 단체라는거 아셔야됩니다~@!!!!
fabiano 2016.08.27 10:17  
돈받아 먹는 어버이연합이랑 엄마부대는 사이비 보수단체라고 봅니다. 돈으로 진실을 가릴 수 없음에도 이 따위들이...
어여쁜 나 2016.08.27 20:19  
그럼요~!!!! 진정한 보수는 위안부할머니들을 위로할줄알고 사회적인약자들을 도와줘야 참다운 보수죠~!!! 사이비 극우보수인사들은 국적을 막론하고 몰매맞아도 쌉니다~!!!! 그르르르르~!!!!!!
fabiano 2016.08.30 10:58  
할 말이 더 이상, 없어요.  끙~~~
어여쁜 나 2016.08.30 11:16  
미친개에게는 몽둥이가 약이라는데 위안부할머니들을 못살게군 사람들은 국적을 막론하고 몽둥이로 맞아봐야 쌉니다~!!!!!
어여쁜 나 2017.03.05 14:48  
같은보수라 할지라도 일본정부에 대놓고 협력해대는 사이비보수단체들은 당장 지옥보내도 할말없습니다~!!!!
fabiano 2017.03.06 23:15  
fabiano 2017.03.06 23:16  
협조할 것은 협조해야 하나 국가관이 없는 사이비들은 그냥~~
어여쁜 나 2017.06.01 19:52  
혹시 활빈단대표 홍정식단장을 아시는지? 그분도 보수시지만 위안부합의에 대해서 강력하게 반발을 했던 분이십니다~!!!!
fabiano 2017.06.03 20:59  
금전적, 물질적인 합의보다 진정한 일본의 사죄가 있어야...

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