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KOREA - 1950 (Korean War)

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KOREA - 1950

Korean War


An American mortar crew fires on the  Communist North Korean invaders.  11 July 1950.  Near Chochiwan, Korea.


A gun crew checks their equipment near the Kum River.  15 July 1950.  Korea.


American troops blasting Yongdok with their 105-mm howitzer.  23 July 1950.  Yongdok, Korea.


A 105-mm howitzer in action against the Communist-led North Korean invaders, somewhere in Korea.
22 July 1950.  Korea.


 Artillery gun crew waits for the signal to fire on the enemy, somewhere in Korea.
25 July 1950. Korea.


American artillery firing on Communist-led North Koreans, somewhere in Korea.
25 July 1950.  Korea.


105-mm howitzer in action against the Communist-led North Korean invaders.   26 July 1950.  Korea.




Equipment at Repeater Station, Taegu, Korea. Quad. Cable terminal on left, testboard on right and center.
1 August 1950. Korea


Men of Battery B, 61st Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division, fire across the Naktong River at postions of the Communist-led North Korean invaders. They are, L. to R., Pvt. Alvin Essary of Tuscalossa, Ala.; Pvt. Miller T. Young of Avonmore, Pa.; Pvt. Harvey L. Lewis of Porterville, Calif.; Pvt. Abel Saunders of Venton, Va.; and Cpl. Lester Mortz of Sheridan, Oregon. 
7 August 1950.  Waegwan, Korea.


Pfc. Letcher V. Gardner (Montgomery, Iowa), Co D, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, fires on an emplacement of the Communist-led North Koreans, along the Naktong River, near Chingu.
13 August 1950.  Korea.


Major General Hobart R. Gay, CG, 1st Cavalry Division, congratulates 2nd Lieutenant Raymond A. Whelan
of Mossap, Conn., after awarding him the Silver Star for meritorious services.    25 August 1950. Korea.


A Field Artillery Battery of the 8th F/A, 25th Division fires on a North Korean road block with a 105-mm howitzer.
22 August 1950.  Korea.


A .50 Cal. Machine gun squad of Co. E, 2nd Battalion, 7th Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, fires
on North Korean patrols along the north bank of the Naktong River, Korea.
26 August 1950.  Korea.


Men of Battery A, 159th Field Arillery Battalion, fire a 105-mm howitzer in an indirect
firing mission on the Korean battle line, near Uirson.      24 August 1950.  Korea.


Pfc. Robert Smith of Springfield, Colo., (left) and Pvt. Carl Fisher of Ponca, Okla.,
27th Infantry Regiment, dug in and firing at Communist-led North Korean positions.
4 September 1950.  Korea.


Men of the 5th RCT fire a .30 caliber machine gun at the Communist-led North Koreans
across the Naktong River, north of Taegu.   18 September 1950.  Korea.


Sgt. Herbert Ohio of Hilo, T.H., views the battered remains of the Communist defenders of Hill 268,
which was taken by men of the 5th RCT, 1st Cavalry Division in their advance on Waegwan, Korea.
21 September 1950.  Korea.


A machine gun crew fires at fleeing Communist-led North Korean targets during heavy street fighting in the captured city of Waegwan. L-r: Pfc. Austin Dela Cruz of Honolulu; Cpl. William Purdy; Pfc. Alexander Domingo of Honolulu; and platoon leader Sgt. Robert I. Muramoto of Honolulu, T.H.
21 September 1950.  Korea.


Sfc. Louis F. Walz (left), a member of Co. E, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Divisioin, and
Pfc. Raymond M. Szukla, a member of Co. G, 5th Regimental Combat Team, 24th Imfantry Division,
recieve medical aid at the 8063rd Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, attached to I Corps in Korea. 
Sfc. Walz is recovering from a head wound, and Pfc. Szukla suffered a wound in the right leg
while engaged in action against the Communist-led North Korean forces.
4 November 1950.  Korea.


A .30 caliber light machine gun crew of the 5th RCT, 1st Cav. Div., fires
on Communist-led North Koreans, as they push toward Taejon, Korea.
22 September 1950.  Korea.


Wounded soldiers are evacuated (foreground) as M-4 tanks of the 5th RCT move
to the front in the Kumchun area in Korea.          6 October 1950. Korea.
United Nations troops fighting on the outskirts of Seoul, the capital of Korea.
20 September 1950. Korea.


A member of the United Nations troops fires a submachine gun on
Communist-led North Korean forces, during fighting in streets of Seoul.
20 September 1950.  Korea.


A machine gun team of an X Corps military police company goes into action
to relieve a convoy pinned down by fire of the Chinese Communists, in Korea.
6 December1950. Korea.



A patrol of Co. C, 65th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, fire light machine guns on Chinese Communist troops located in the hills near Haejung, North Korea. Sfc. Forsyth, who photographed the action, was wounded shortly after recording this picture.             27 November 1950. Korea

brson 2014.05.07 07:11  
사진을 보니 정말 상상 그 이상이로군요미군이 무엇 때문에 목숨을 걸고 우리를 도워 주었는지는 모르겠지만하여간 사진을 보니 고맙다는 말을 하지 않으면 안될 것 같습니다모르긴 몰라도 그 당시엔 우린 아마 가진 무기라고는 맨손밖에는 없었을 것 같아서요
fabiano 2014.05.07 18:39  
당시, 미국은 자유수호의 명분아래 참전했으며 유엔의 결정으로 자유민주국가에서 우리나라를 도와 주었습니다. 산설고 낯선 이역 땅에서 목숨을 바쳐 오늘날 대한민국이 있게 한 원동력입니다. 아이러니컬하게도 북한정권도 미국에 대하여 감사해야 함에도 적반하장격으로 은혜를 원수로 갚는 행태입니다.
체로키 2014.11.06 09:49  
1950년 7월 5일 미군의 최초 참전 전투인 오산의 죽미령 전투 이후 천안,대전,영동,다부동으로 이어지는 미제 24사단과 기병1사단의 초기 전투장면이  너무 생생합니다. 3년 1개월 동안 연 5백만명이 넘는 미군이 참전해서 3만2천의 전사와 10만이 넘는 부상자를 남기며 대한민국을 지켜 주었는데..미국이 통일을 막았다고 하는 일부 급진 좌파세력들의 주장을 들으면 젊은 자녀들을 이국땅에서 희생시킨 미국의 부모들은 어떻게 생가할까??
fabiano 2014.11.07 10:36  
급진 좌파들의 논리가 북괴가 주장하는 억지 논리와 다름없습니다. 일고의 가치가 없는 주장으로 대한민국을 교란하고 선동하는 이런 좌파들은 반드시 척결해야 할 조국의 적입니다.
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