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Photos of Adolf Hitler

fabiano 5 2536  
Portrait of Adolf Hitler. One of a collection of portraits included in a 1939 calendar of Nazi officials. (1939)

 Adolf Hitler poses with a group of SS members soon after his appointment as Chancellor. (February 1933).

 Adolf Hitler attends a rally in the Munich Odeonsplatz to celebrate the declaration of war in 1914. (August 2, 1914)

 German soldiers. Adolf Hitler at left.

Adolf Hitler leads an SA unit in a Nazi Party parade in Weimar. (1931)

 Adolf Hitler salutes his followers at a Nazi Party rally soon after his appointment as Chancellor. (February 1933).

 Standing in an open car, Adolf Hitler salutes a crowd lining the streets of Hamburg. (August 17, 1934)

 Hitler at Nazi party rally, Nuremberg, Germany. (circa 1928)

Adolf Hitler and other dignitaries at the opening of the Nazi Party museum in the Sterneckerbraeuhaus, which had been the Party's first headquarters. (November 8, 1933).

Nazi officials attend the opening ceremonies of the 1938 Party congress in Nuremberg.

Pictured from left to right are Joseph Goebbels, Robert Ley, Heinrich Himmler, Victor Lutze, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler and Julius Streicher. (June 9, 1938)

 Nazi Hierarchy: Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Hess.

 Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler review SS troops during Reich Party Day ceremonies. (September 1938).

Members of the BDM (Bund deutscher Maedels) stand in formation in the bleachers of the Berlin stadium to spell out "Wir gehoeren dir!" [We belong to you] while Adolf Hitler delivers an address at a rally held on the National Day of the German People (May Day). (May 1, 1939)

 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini ride in an open automobile through the streets of Munich during
the Italian dictator's visit to Germany. (circa 1941)

Adolf Hitler greets an unidentified Roman Catholic cardinal at a public ceremony. (circa 1933 - 1939)

Adolf Hitler converses with the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo,
at a New Year's reception in Berlin. (January 1, 1935)

Adolf Hitler rides in a motorcade through the Brandenburg Gate to the opening ceremonies
of the 11th Olympiad in Berlin. (August 1, 1936)

Adolf Hitler receives an ovation from the Reichstag for the "Anschluss" with Austria. (March 1938).

Adolf Hitler, accompanied by other German officials, grimly inspects bomb damage in a German city in 1944,
in this German film captured by the U.S. Army Signal Corps on the western front. (circa 1944)

 Adolf Hitler in Paris. (June 23, 1940)

서티9 2006.05.14 20:17  
사진의 다큐멘터리 기록적인 면에서 보면..히틀러사진도 볼만하군요..^^
fabiano 2006.05.14 20:21  
역사의 한 시대를 휘어잡은 히틀러의 다큐사진을 아니보고 지나간다면 뭔가 빠진 느낌이죠?
fabiano 2006.05.15 20:48  
외국의 경우, 이렇게 기록사진들이 많이 남아있어 좋은 교육자료가 됩니다. 백마디 말보다 한장의 사진이 모든 것을 말하여 줍니다.
리버룸 2006.05.23 00:43  
퍼갑니다. 히틀러의 연인 에바의 사진도 있었더라면더 좋을텐데요.
fabiano 2006.05.23 07:30  
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