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Photos From Korea’s 1948 Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion - LIFE

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Photos From Korea’s 1948 Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion - LIFE

여수순천사건(麗水順天事件)은 한국전쟁이 일어 나기 2년 전, 대한민국 정부수립 1948년 10월 19일, 일련의 남로당 계열

장교들이 주동하여 약 2천명의 사병들이 우익계열의 장교 20여 명을 즉결살해하고 반란을 일으킨 사건으로 여수, 순천 지역의

수많은 민간인들이 희생된 사건이다.

정부의 군경들이 여순사건을 진압하는 과정에서 지역 좌익들이 처형되는 경우가 많았으며 이 사건으로

이승만정권은 반공주의 노선을 한층 더 강화하였다. 1995년 이후, 이 사건은 여수순천사건으로 부르고 있다.


아래 사진은 당시, 우리나라에서 활동하였던 칼 마이단스(Carl Mydans)가 LIFE의 특파원으로 찍은 사진이다. 

"At Yosu in the U.S. zone, where Korea's rebellion began on Oct. 19, loyal troops flush out communists
for trial after retaking the city."
"Two of Sunchon's bereaved women mourn a loyal Korean who fell before a rebel slaughter squad as the rebellion began.
An American adviser, Lieut. Ralph Bliss, looks on silently where no advice will help."

South Korean soldiers on guard during a communist uprising against the Rhee government, Korea, 1948.

Grieving relatives mourn South Koreans killed by communist rebels during a 1948 uprising.

"Dead rebels. their bodies dotted with bullet holes, lie beside a school ground at Sunchon."

South Korean soldiers advance toward the front line during a communist uprising in 1948.

Scene during a rebellion in South Korea, 1948.

Large fires in a village during a communist uprising, Korea, 1948.

"Yosu's recapture was achieved on Oct. 27 by loyal troops. Only their white helmet bands differentiated them
from the rebels, who also used new American equipment."

Korean national helping to fight large fires in a village during a communist uprising, 1948.

Korean national helping to fight large fires in a village during a communist uprising, 1948.

South Korean soldiers stand guard while a village burns during a communist uprising, 1948.

"Other rebels in army uniform are hauled away tightly trussed in army trucks, after their capture by loyal army forces,
for trial by Korean military tribunal."

South Korean soldiers question a prisoner during a communist uprising, 1948.

"A civilian rebel holds his bloody head after 'questioning' by loyal soldiers who took Sunchon back from the revolting troops."

South Korean soldiers detain a group of suspected young communist rebels during an uprising
against the Rhee government, 1948.

Scene during a communist uprising, South Korea, 1948.

South Korean soldiers detain a group of young female communist prisoners during an uprising
against the Rhee government, 1948.

Communist rebels being marched with hands held high by South Korean soldiers on their way to trial, 1948.

Grieving South Korean women and an international observer seen during a communist uprising, 1948.

South Korean store owners killed by communist rebels during the 1948 uprising.

Grieving women and civilians killed by communist rebels during the 1948 Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion.
아래 사진은 1948년 당시, 우리나라에서 취재활동을 한 미국 각 언론사의 특파원들의 사진이다. 
  유명한 LIFE의 Carl Mydans가 일련의 이 사진을 찍었다. (왼쪽에서 두번 째 인물).

LIFE photographer Carl Mydans (second from left) with fellow correspondents Tom Lambert (AP),
Keyes Beech (Chicago Daily News) and Allen Raymond (New York Herald Tribune) in Korea, 1948.
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