naver-site-verification: naverf83ad7df1bcc827c523456dbbc661233.html 한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album
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한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album

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한국전쟁 - 美 해병대원 Harold Sydnam Photo Album


아래 포스팅은 美 해병대원으로서 한국전쟁에 참전한 Harold Sydnam씨의 포토앨범이다.
  그는 1950. 10. 美 캘리포니아 펜들턴 캠프(Camp Pendleton)에서

한국전쟁에 참전하기 위한 훈련을 받고 1950. 12. 마산에 도착하여

포항, 횡성지구에서 전투를 하였으며 38선 이북까지 진격하였다.

치열한 전투속에서 피어나는 전우애와 틈틈이, 피난민들의 모습도 찍었다.



2 October, 1950 - Camp Pendleton, Calif. - Readying for Korea.jpg
(1) October, 1950 - Camp Pendleton, Calif. - Readying for Korea.


3 mem_sydnam_001b.jpg
(2) Iwo Jima & Mt. Surabachie as Thompson, Woods, Tall and I fly to Tokyo
with a planeload of doctors & nurses.
4 mem_sydnam_002a.jpg
(3) Cpl "Terrible" Thompson and Sydnam in Kyoto. We frequented tea rooms and museums.
5 mem_sydnam_002b.jpg
(4) Cpl "Terrible" Thompson and Sydnam in Kyoto. We frequented tea rooms and museums.
6 mem_sydnam_003a.jpg
(5) Leaving Otsu, Japan for Masan, Korea about Dec. 30, 1950
7 Port of Masan, Korea. Dec. 31, 1950.jpg
(6) Port of Masan(마산), Korea. Dec. 31, 1950
8 mem_sydnam_004a.jpg
(7) Cpl Sydnam at the "Bean Patch" - Masan, Korea. Arrived Dec. 31, 1950
9 mem_sydnam_004b.jpg
(8) 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Baker Co. at the Bean Patch. Ferre, T.A. Roberts,
Nail, Hall, Wray (?) & Sydnam
10 From Mason to Pohang by Japanese LST to begin the Guerilla Hunt, January, 1951.jpg
(9)From Mason to Pohang by Japanese LST to begin the Guerilla Hunt, January, 1951
11 Road patrol out of Pohang.jpg
(10) Road patrol out of Pohang(포항)
12 Charlie Nail & Sydnam after a road patrol..jpg
(11) Charlie Nail & Sydnam after a road patrol. 
13 Charlie Nail & friends.jpg

(12) Charlie Nail & friends.

(13) 포항
14 150mm howitzers in support..jpg
(14) 150mm howitzers in support.
15 mem_sydnam_007b.jpg
(15) My FIRST really close shave - the mortar round hit next to the rock-on-rock,
which I had just rolled away from to the little paddy dike this side of it.
16 mem_sydnam_009a.jpg
(16) Sydnam. Foot patrol out of Pohang in the Guerlilla Hunt - while I was still young and strong.
17 Sydnam demonstrates the A-Frame pack and rice bowl technique.jpg
(17) Sydnam demonstrates the "A-Frame" pack and rice bowl technique.
18 Korean family..jpg
(18) Korean family.
19 Late Feb. Charlie Nail & Old Man Winter..jpg
(19) Late Feb. Charlie Nail & Old Man Winter.
20 Feb., 1951 - Corpsmen Wagstaff & Sutton. (Sutton KIA Hill 313).jpg
(20) Feb., 1951 - Corpsmen Wagstaff & Sutton. (Sutton KIA Hill 313)
21 Feb., 1951 - Sydnam & F.O. Ernie Sherf near Hoengsong..jpg
(21) Feb., 1951 - Sydnam & F.O. Ernie Sherf near Hoengsong(횡성).
22 Medevac Feb., 1951.jpg
(22)  Medevac Feb., 1951
23 Sydnam - Feb., 1951.jpg
(23) Sydnam - Feb., 1951    사진촿영자, Harold Sydnam.
24 We in reserve for 3rd Btn are relieved by the Army. Feb., 1951.jpg
(23) We in reserve for 3rd Btn are relieved by the Army. Feb., 1951
25 Sgt. Billy R. Hidy crossing the So Yong Gong River in amphib. April 5, 1951.jpg
(24) Sgt. Billy R. Hidy crossing the So Yong Gong River in amphib. April 5, 1951
26 Doc Sutton, Billy Hidy, Doc Wagstaff, Sam Fulmer and Anthony Cappucci. Feb. 1951.jpg
(25) "Doc" Sutton, Billy Hidy, "Doc" Wagstaff, Sam Fulmer and Anthony Cappucci. Feb. 1951
27 Sam Fulmer, Doc Sutton, Doc Wagstaff, Sydnam & Cappucci. Feb-Mar, 1951.jpg
(26) Sam Fulmer, Doc Sutton, Doc Wagstaff, Sydnam & Cappucci. Feb-Mar, 1951
28 Sgt Billy R. Hidy, Sam Fulmer & Lt. Nolan doing his laundry. Feb 1951.jpg
(27) Sgt Billy R. Hidy, Sam Fulmer & Lt. Nolan doing his laundry. Feb 1951
29 Guy Ferre, Hidy, Nail & Haines North of Wonju. Feb 1951.jpg
(28) Guy Ferre, Hidy, Nail & Haines North of Wonju. Feb 1951
30 Fording a river. Feb 1951.jpg
(29) Fording a river. Feb 1951
31 Church service about March 1951.jpg
(30) Church service about March 1951
32 Young Bok Oh Later changed to Yoon-Bock OH.jpg
(31) Young Bok Oh (Later changed to Yoon-Bock OH)
33 Doc Sutton & Interpreter OH dig in, about March 1951.jpg
(32) Doc Sutton & Interpreter OH dig in, about March 1951
34 Our rockets, about March 1951.jpg
(33) Our rockets, about March 1951
35 Road Patrol. Feb 1951.jpg
(34) Road Patrol. Feb 1951
36 own of Hwachon with Hill 313 at right center. April 24, 1951.jpg
(35) Town of Hwachon with Hill 313 at right center. April 24, 1951
37 Late Feb foot patrol.jpg
(36) Late Feb foot patrol
38 Hong Song, downtown.jpg
(37) Hoeng Song, downtown (횡성)
39 Bridge at Hong Song.jpg
(38) Broken Bridge at Hoeng Song(횡성)
40 Charlie Nail, where he broke his trigger finger. March 1951.jpg
(39) Charlie Nail, where he broke his trigger finger. March 1951 
41 mem_sydnam_023a.jpg
(40) A break in a foot patrol.   Unknown, Lt. Nolan, Corpsman Sutton & Sgt Hidy
42 Sgt Billy R. Hidy & Cpl Sidnam. March 1951.jpg
(41) Sgt Billy R. Hidy & Cpl Sidnam. March 1951
43 Corpsman Wagstaff, Sgt Hidy, Lt Nolan & Corpsman Sutton (seated). March 1951.jpg
(42) Corpsman Wagstaff, Sgt Hidy, Lt Nolan & Corpsman Sutton (seated). March 1951
44 Lt. Nolan, Wagstaff, Sutton & Sydnam.jpg
(43) Lt. Nolan, Wagstaff, Sutton & Sydnam
45 mem_sydnam_025.jpg
46 Top of Hill 313 at Hwatchon, April 23, 1951. Enemy dead..jpg
(45) Top of Hill 313 at Hwachon(화천), April 23, 1951. Enemy dead.
47 Hill 313. One of our bloodiest battles - all night..jpg
(46) Hill 313. One of our bloodiest battles - all night.
48 Hwatchon. April 23, 1951.jpg
(47) Hwachon. April 23, 1951 (화천)
49 mem_sydnam_028b.jpg
(48) Across the 38th Parallel (Southbound) on tanks to escape from our fallen flanks.
50 The remains of my 13-man squad on 28 April, 1951.jpg
(49) The remains of my 13-man squad on 28 April, 1951
Oberding, Griggs, Dorsey & Hammack  Sydnam, Gregg & Haler
51 Refugees pass through our lines..jpg
(50) Refugees pass through our lines.
53 As weary as we..jpg
(52) As weary as we.
54 Papa-san.jpg
(53) papasan
55 Everyone works.jpg
(54) Everyone works
브리트니 2017.06.22 12:59  
3번째 사진 미국인은 키가 무지무지 커 보이네요
fabiano 2017.06.22 16:26  
톰슨 상병으로 이란 별명으로 보아 다소, 말썽꾸러기였던 모양입니다.

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